Solar Power Lights Up Animal Healthcare in Chanaro Village

Nestled in the remote village of Chanaro, Jharkhand, lies a story of innovation and empowerment. This village, actively involved in the Lakhpati Krishi Palak (LKP) program, has become a shining example of how simple solutions can bring significant change. The challenge? Maintaining the potency of vital livestock vaccines in a region plagued by frequent power cuts and scorching temperatures. 

The answer: Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) solutions, specifically solar-powered vaccination chambers and carriers. These “cold storages” proved to be a game-changer for Livestock Service Providers (LSPs) like Durgesh Kumar Singh, Parasnath Mahato, Sughan Lal Soren, Naresh Patel, and Rajesh Mahato. 

Previously, relying on fridges at the block-level facility in Churchu posed a significant risk. Frequent power cuts and high temperatures could render the vaccines ineffective or even harmful, potentially jeopardizing the health of livestock and the success of the LKP program. 

In 2021, the introduction of solar-powered technology transformed the landscape. These chambers operate continuously for 24 hours, while the carriers provide a backup of 15-16 hours on a single charge. This significant improvement drastically reduced vaccine spoilage compared to the previous ice boxes, which could only manage a mere 2-2.5 hours. 

The impact extends far beyond just preserving vaccines. Sughan Lal Soren, who visits 550 families and vaccinates over 700 goats and 70 pigs, has seen his income increase from Rs. 3,000-4,000 to Rs. 10,000 due to more regular and efficient vaccination drives. 

“Initially, my training focused on livestock management only,” shares Sughan Lal. “But frequent power cuts and the distance between villages made vaccine storage a challenge. The solar chambers and carriers have eliminated our dependence on unreliable electricity and heavy equipment. This allows us to care for livestock safely and professionally.” 

Chanaro’s story is a testament to the power of innovation and the ripple effect of seemingly small solutions. By harnessing the sun’s power, this village has not only ensured the health of their animals but also empowered its LSPs and paved the way for a more sustainable and efficient future. 

"Initially, my training focused on livestock management only. However, challenges arose due to frequent power cuts and the considerable distance between the villages made it difficult to store vaccinations. The medications require proper refrigeration and the lack of electricity posed a problem. In 2021, when the solar chambers and carriers facility was in discussion, I eagerly joined the programme. Today, we don't have to rely on electricity and heavy duty carriers, inverters. This has reduced the risk of vaccines getting spoilt and enabled us to care for livestock safely & professionally."

– Sughan Lal Soren